PRO Roof Primer – Thermilate

PRO Roof Primer


Description Thermilate PRO roof primer is a water-based primer specially formulated prepare clay tile roofs for painting with PRO ROOF. To get the best results make sure surfaces are clean and dry. When the surface has been fully prepared, apply one coat of PRO ROOF PRIMER. When fully dry, apply...
£149.95 £114.95
£114.95 (Inc VAT)
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Thermilate PRO roof primer is a water-based primer specially formulated prepare clay tile roofs for painting with PRO ROOF. To get the best results make sure surfaces are clean and dry. When the surface has been fully prepared, apply one coat of PRO ROOF PRIMER. When fully dry, apply 2 coats of the selected PRO ROOF Paint.


  • The primer aids in the adhesion of the coating by producing a bond between clay roof tiles prior to coating to avoid flaking or peeling.


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