Thermilate Technologies Company

Welcome to the Thermilate Technologies Ltd

We offer an extensive selection of innovative decorating and insulating products which have been tailored to appeal to any possible market demands.

We have been manufacturing paint since 2001, in that time we have made it our mission to create paints, coatings and plasters that make decorating easier, more efficient, energy saving and of course enjoyable. We know that a product is most likely to succeed if its is carefully designed to meet the domestic and professional consumer needs, that is why we invest heavily in to research, innovation and product development.


It depends upon having a powerful assortment of quality products at competitive prices and this is why we have invested in our own wholly owned factory in United Kingdom. Which means we can always commit our utmost attention to the quality control of our product, the care of our staff and the happiness of out client, as well deliver highly competitive prices to anywhere in UK and beyond.

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Market Leadership

Our market leading design capabilities and unrivalled service have enabled both Thermilate and many of our customers to become dominant market leaders with clear differentiation that consumers understand.

To find out how we can work with us to grow your business, please speak to our experienced team who will be happy to discuss things further with you.

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