Testing – Thermilate

Thermilate Technologies products scientifically proven to work!

Each and every Thermilate product is manufactured to original formulations that have been tested at world leading laboratories and government bodies for a variety of applications.

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These laboratories include UKAS approved Salford University and GEO Sciences in America along with:

  • US Army

  • Pratt & Whitney Aerospace

  • The National Construction Institute of Korea

  • Municipal Government in Tokyo, Japan

  • National Standards Testing Laboratories, USA

  • Italabs, India

  • Rousse Trading Group Ltd, Bulgaria

  • Housing Industrialization Centre, China

  • Richards Testing Labs Inc, USA

  • CIEMS, California

  • P.I.W. Bioekoteck, Poland

  • National Academy of Science, Ukraine

  • Ukrainian Ministry for Consumer Affairs

  • Fontys Academic Institute, Holland

Scientists perform extensive testing on each product for:

  • Efficacy of the micro-insulating technology

  • Safety

  • Moisture resistance

  • Endurance for industrial, commercial and domestic uses

  • Sustainable properties that contribute to a greener planet

Independent analysis of each insulation product has scientifically demonstrated that our products present terrific results.

You can be assured that we deliver only products which have undergone rigorous laboratory and Quality Control testing.


Counterfeit Thermilate Products

It is a sad fact that there are counterfeit Thermilate insulation products available that have either failed exhaustive tests or have not been tested at all. Unfortunately, some unprincipled distributors try to pass them as authentic Thermilate goods. We continue to work to stop corrupt distributors from trading unqualified Thermilate products.

We encourage our customers to be warned of such trading. Only genuine Thermilate products are efficient, safe and green. Our team has worked strenuously over the years to create formulations that meet the global standards. We do not commercialise our goods without thoroughly assessing them first.

Each genuine Thermilate product is dispatched with a 3-D Thermilate hologram showing a unique six digit, traceable serial number for your reassurance.

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