PRO Elastomeric – Thermilate

PRO Elastomeric


PRO Elastomeric is a high quality water-based paint with revolutionary, enhanced composite which makes the paint insulate and reflect heat. It is ideal product for ceiling paint. PRO Elastomeric cures to form a seamless membrane sealing the surface and ensures unrivaled breathability. On internal walls and ceilings, this coating reduces heat...
£179.95 £89.95
Racing Green
Leaf Brown
Ultra White
£89.95 (Inc VAT)
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PRO Elastomeric is a high quality water-based paint with revolutionary, enhanced composite which makes the paint insulate and reflect heat. It is ideal product for ceiling paint. PRO Elastomeric cures to form a seamless membrane sealing the surface and ensures unrivaled breathability. On internal walls and ceilings, this coating reduces heat loss and on external walls and roofs, it will reflect heat from the sun, creating a cooler internal environment.


  • Saves energy by reflecting and emitting heat
  • High weather resistance
  • Stable over temperature variations
  • Non-toxic and environmentally friendly
  • Ideal for waterproofing sloped roofs
  • Remains intact on flexible surfaces
  • Excellent crack bridging
  • Exceptional film durability
  • Resistant to atmospheric pollution
  • Resistant to UV degradation
  • Bonds well to a wide range of surfaces
  • Reduces condensation and mildew resistant
  • Easy to apply and fire safe
  • Rapid drying for quick re-coating
  • High tensile strength and elongation
  • Low conductivity coating


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