InsOpaint - Insulating Kitchen & Bathroom Paint – Thermilate

InsOpaint Kitchen & Bathroom


Description InsOpaint Kitchen and Bathroom ceiling paint has been specifically formulated to provide premium protection against mould and bacteria growth typically found in kitchen and bathrooms areas and provide high thermal insulation. Combined with our world-leading insulating technology, this hard-wearing bathroom paint emulsion also reduces heat loss through walls and...
£94.95 £79.95
Ultra White
Sage Green
London's Magnolia
Light Yellow
Baby Pink
Pistachio White
Manhattan Grey
Creamy White
Rock Salt
£79.95 (Inc VAT)
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InsOpaint Kitchen and Bathroom ceiling paint has been specifically formulated to provide premium protection against mould and bacteria growth typically found in kitchen and bathrooms areas and provide high thermal insulation. Combined with our world-leading insulating technology, this hard-wearing bathroom paint emulsion also reduces heat loss through walls and ceilings. Painting and decorating has never been easier with this all-rounder Eco-friendly, washable kitchen paint that dries to a subtle mid-sheen finish that resists moisture, stains and grease. 

  • Heat loss reducing insulating paint.
  • Reduces severe condensation problems.
  • Mould resistant bathroom paint.
  • Can be used as wall paint as well as ceiling paint.
  • Provided thermal insulation reduces heating bills.
  • Grease resistant kitchen paint.
  • Helps prevent unsightly toxic mould.
  • Lowest cost wall & ceiling thermal insulation.
  • Water based acrylic paint, therefore eco-friendly.
  • Easy to use for all painters and decorators.

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